It used to be simpler. If you were looking for a service, you could plop open the 10lb yellow pages and blindly search through hundreds of pages of businesses all under the same category, nothing really setting one apart from the other. Overtime, businesses could pay...
Reasons your website may not be as effective as it should be… Perfexion New Website Design You did it! You started a business! You have your employees working, sales are happening, and you have a website up and running. Things are falling into place. Fast forward 5...
Online Marketing SEO and SEM Online marketing is a broad term that refers to the marketing of goods and services using available digital technologies. This article will encompass both SEO and SEM basics. The most common digital technology used is the internet. A...
What is SEO? SEO Basics Search Engine Optimization – SEO – is a tool used by web developers and digital marketers. Its purpose is to enhance the visibility of a website or web page in search engine results so that, when a user performs a search using their preferred...
Don’t Let Your SEO Efforts Go to Waste Any web developer worth his or her salt is an expert at both off-page and on-page SEO. Simply put, good on-page SEO means a website contains content that is optimized for certain keywords and phrases so that the site’s search...